
Wider generation TNUOS forecasts

BESS sites that are transmission connected or of capacity >=100MW face wider generation TNUoS charges.

These are flat rates that a site must pay each year.

Wider Generation TNUoS charges feature in both the Run Library and in Custom Runs.

Transmission-connected batteries pay fixed TNUoS

Export rates for transmission-connected generation have shifted from time-of-use (via the Triad mechanism) to a fixed rate via the Wider Generation tariffs. This is a result of the Targeted Charging Review.

The rate can be positive or negative and varies throughout the country. See Figure 4 here.

For example, let's model a transmission-connected battery site in South Wales, due to come online during 2028

Transmission-connected batteries fall into the 'Convention Carbon' generating class for TNUoS calculations.

The calculation for the Wider TNUoS tariff, Conventional Carbon, is:

Taking numbers from the 5-year view of TNUoS tariffs, in the year 2028/2029 (p.14) and assuming the site has no historical data, we use an Annual Load Factor (ALF) generic for storage of 1.6301% (p.71).

This gives the calculation:

6.711930 + (- 7.300407 x 1.6301%) + (0 x 1.6301%)+ - 2.997585 £/kW = 3.5953 £/kW (to 4 significant figures), or £3595/MW/year.

We use the ESO Wider Generation TNUoS forecasts to inform our projections

The Electricity System Operator has produced Wider Generation TNUoS forecasts for 2025-2029.

We use these and push the final value forwards for the rest of the forecast horizon, depending on the Generation Zone of a site.

Wider Generation TNUoS in the Modo Forecast

Tariffs are given per Generation Zone:

In the run library, users can pick the distribution region of their run. DNO regions have a many-to-many relationship with generation zones, so we have used the following mapping for simplicity:

Distribution Network RegionAssumed Generation Zone
East MidlandsSouth Lincolnshire and North Norfolk
EasternMid Wales and The Midlands
Merseyside & North WalesNorth Midlands and North Wales
MidlandsMid Wales and The Midlands
North WesternNorth Lancashire and The Lakes
North of ScotlandNorth Scotland
NorthernNorth East England
South EasternEssex and Kent
South WalesSouth Wales & Gloucester
South of ScotlandLothian and Borders
SouthernSomerset and Wessex
YorkshireSouth Lancashire, Yorkshire and Humber
South WesternWest Devon and Cornwall
LondonCentral London

Specific generation zones are available via custom runs.