FAQ: Backtest and Calibration
- How are you backcasting results?
- Why is the calibration factor static over the forecast horizon?
How are you backcasting results?
See our backcasting page.
Covering Jan 2021 - March 2024, this page explores how well our fundamentals model predicts hourly prices, as compared to the Nordpool Day ahead hourly price.
We also explore how well our full model predicts battery revenues in our Model Calibration pages, where the impact of modeling error, site availability, perfect hindsight, and all sorts of other effects are quantified and you can see how well the Modo forecast does against the Modo benchmark.
Why is the calibration factor static over the forecast horizon?
There are a number of factors that could change calibration over the next 25 years. However, a lot of these are unknown and difficult to reason from first principles. Thus, we use a data-driven method for calibration, trained on recent data and updated annually (updated in v3.4).
This calibration factor captures the difference in revenues we observe in real-world data vs the revenues that come out of our modelling. Reasons for a difference include:
- Inability to perfectly forecast prices
- The success rate of bidding into frequency response auctions
- Not all assets able to achieve 'the most optimal' dispatch
- That volume is not guaranteed to be taken in the Balancing Mechanism
- Real-world availability of battery fleet: eg from downtime of assets, networks, and curtailment impacts
It is important to note other factors are considered in other parts of the forecast, which do change over time:
- Ancillary service saturation, and subsequent ability of a single site to win contracts. As the size of the battery fleet grows, the amount of frequency response any single asset can do reduces
- Intraday trading revenues are modelled from fundamentals, which means the 'uplift' on Day-Ahead wholesale revenues changes over time with the changing generation stack
- The transmission network buildout is modelled within the BM logic, with differing volumes of energy and system actions in different locations over time
Updated about 1 month ago