
Embedded Export Tariffs

These tariffs only apply to distribution-connected batteries with a capacity below 100MW.

Embedded Export Tariffs vary from region to region

Depending on the Grid Supply Point (GSP), the amount that distribution-connected batteries are paid for exporting during Triads varies. We model Embedded Export tariffs using ESO's five-year regional Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges. We assume that they remain stable from year 6 onwards.

Below, we show these tariffs for the next three years.

In revenue curves, the benefit of TNUoS revenues from triads is smeared over the 12 month period, where a TNUoS charging year runs from April to March.

We assume no site imports during triads

We assume sites don't import during Triads - so you don't pay import flexible TNUoS (which everyone, distribution or transmission connected, pays if they import). If the site does import during Triads, it can be expensive.

We assume a capture rate for export revenues dependent on battery duration for Distribution connected batteries

Analysis over the past 2 winters of the battery fleet's success in hitting triad periods is available for 2023/2024 and 2022/2023 on the Modo platform.

Given this historic performance, we assume that 1h systems achieve 33% of the total possible triad revenue, and 2h systems achieve 85%.

For durations between these values, we apply a linear fit, and no system can capture more than 100% of triad revenues.