Run library
What is the run library, and what does each file contain?
What do we vary in the Run Library?
- Duration: 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours
- GSP Region: Eastern, East Midlands, London, Merseyside & North Wales, Midlands, Northern, North of Scotland, North Western, South Eastern, Southern, South of Scotland, South Wales, South Western, Yorkshire
- Max Cycles: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 per day
- Macro Scenario: Central Scenario
- Start Date: 2024
- Co-located: Off, On
- Connection Type: Distribution, Transmission
- Degradation: Off, On
- Re-powering: After 8000 cycles
- Round-trip Efficiency: 88%
What is included in each file?
Each file displays the input parameters at the top and then breaks down outputs to a monthly and yearly granularity.
Outputs include the average number of cycles per day, average wholesale day-ahead price, revenues broken down by market, and total revenues.
What about the co-located runs?
Co-located sites come in a vast array of shapes and sizes. We have a few examples in the run library shown below.
- Import and Export connections are limited to 50MW for all
- 100MW solar, with a 50MW battery, AC connected
- 75MW solar, 50MW battery, AC connected
- 75MW solar, 50MW battery, DC connected
We really recommend using a custom run for forecasting a specific site as it's unlikely these examples will replicate the specifics of your site.
50MW sites: why?
There used to be a planning rule that meant you needed central government planning for sites above 50MW. This meant that many of the sites that got built were 50MW (or just under).
In Feb 2024, more of the fleet is 50MW than any other size (25% of the total number of sites we track).
So, our 'usual' run is a battery of 50MW; the forecast is built with sites of this size in mind.
As ever, if something is missing that you'd like to see, please let us know.
Updated 8 months ago