

Using the 2023 FES, with Modo's view, we forecast generation stacks, demand, renewable load factors, and costs.

We use a variety of third parties as core inputs to our forecast.

Then, we add the Modo view, which incorporates the latest research and benchmarking data, policy implications for batteries and the wider energy system, as well as the combined experience of decades working in the energy sector with a focus on batteries.

What are the core inputs?

The National Electricity System Operator (NESO) - or National Grid ESO as was - provides views on the future energy system via the Future Energy Scenarios. We use the Consumer Transformation scenario of these - which shows getting to net zero by 2050 by consumers using energy more efficiently and flexibly, via demand-side response and energy storage, rather than building assets out on the supply side. It is also the scenario we consider likelier as it has less hydrogen-fuelled power generation and less CCUS as compared to the 'System Transformation' scenario.

We use NREL data for many of the CAPEX and OPEX costs within our capacity expansion model, as well as data from Europe Economics. The current and near-term view of the electricity system is taken from the Capacity Market register, TEC register, Balancing Mechanism data, press releases, and Modo buildout curves. We take forward gas prices from ICE and use reputable third-party sources for other forward curves, along with our Modo view.


Check out the different inputs to the Forecast from the sidebar

  • Demand
  • Capacity Stack
  • Hydrogen
  • Commodity prices
  • Renewable load factors
  • Ancillary services
  • Storage
  • Interconnectors

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