FAQ: General
- Can I scale up the BESS Revenue Library contents to match my asset?
- How often do you update the model?
- What is included in the Forecast run library?
Can I scale up the BESS Revenue Library contents to match my asset? For standalone BESS and co-located solar and storage.
Yes - we present revenues in £/MW. You can therefore scale up the revenues to suit the size of your asset.
Our model is optimised to forecast revenues for battery storage up to 300MW and solar up to 500MW.
Let us know if you'd like to model a larger asset.
How often do you update the model?
We update the model quarterly, but will add ad hoc improvements in reaction to market and regulatory changes. Please see our changelog (tab at the top of the page) to keep up with key updates.
What is included in the Forecast run library?
Here’s a list of the scenarios offered - in total, we cover 2,018 pre-loaded cases and intend to grow this:
Macro scenario - choose from our central case - high and low cases are coming soon.
Zones - 14 GSP Zones
Asset duration - 1, 2 and 4-hour runs in the run library, with the option to model a 10-hour system through custom runs
Rated power - up to 500MW
Max cycles - 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 cycle options
Connection type - distribution or transmission
Start date - Projects all start on 1 Jan 2024, and a more specific start date could be picked up with custom runs
Degradation - standard or undegraded
Re-powering - on (8,000 cycles) or off
Efficiency - 88% (can vary through custom runs)
Co-located - vary solar rated power at peak and coupling, 1,344 coupled sites are available.
Updated 8 months ago