
Changes v2.1 - v2.2

24th October 2022

At v2.2, we have made several additions to the forecast, both in the data available and in the dispatch model:

  • Scenario Databook: For each Macro Scenario, Forecast Pro users can access a Scenario Databook, using a link contained within the run library download. This contains additional information about modelling assumptions (commodity prices, demand, generation) and results (wholesale and ancillary prices, carbon intensity, hours at VoL).
  • Merchant only revenues: Each data download contains a second results table showing revenues for batteries following a 'Merchant only' strategy i.e. no Frequency Response. As battery buildout grows, more and more batteries the proportion of batteries providing Frequency Response will decrease. More batteries will follow a Merchant only strategy.
  • Capture rates: We have applied capture rates to our dispatch model revenues to reflect imperfect price forecasting, battery unavailability and lack of perfect acceptance in Frequency Response markets. These capture rates are based on a historical analysis of Modo's battery Leaderboard data and asset performance. We model capture rate improving with time, with improving forecasting and optimization tools. We have added a page to our documentation that discusses this in more detail.